TechSpot Trivia
- Which of these was the most expensive domain name sale?
- The ghosts in the original Pac-Man had unique AI traits, which one was the least predictable?
- How much did it cost to rent a movie at the first VHS rental store in the US in 1977?
- If your PC has two SATA drives installed and running, which one is the master?
- The first 5MB hard drive weighed approximately...
- The first webcam ever was deployed at Cambridge University, what was it designed to monitor?
TechSpot Trivia FAQ
TechSpot's trivia section is a game that combines computing history, curious tech facts, web culture, and enthusiast-level PC knowledge. Each trivia is composed of a question, 4-6 multiple choice answers, and a brief explanation of the correct answer for full context and learning purposes, which is shown upon selecting your answer.
What's the purpose of the trivia?
Having fun. You may learn a thing or two as well.
What's the meaning of the trivia colors?
The colors are intended to give you a hint of the difficulty of the question, in the following order:
From easiest to more difficult...
Based on the number of correct and incorrect answers, our system will recalculate every night and place an equal amount of questions on every color bucket (six total).
But, it's so easy to cheat...
We have not built in any significant anti-cheat measure. This is by design, since you can just as well go to the source code and get the answer (or Google it!). By making it so easy to cheat, we are expecting the opposite response: have people just taking a guess, have fun, and learn a thing or two in the process.
Is my score associated to my account?
No, it's simply saved on your browser's cookie.