What Ever Happened to MapQuest?

Oh, man, that period in internet history was a dumpster fire but it was beautiful at the same time. Noone had figured out the best way to do things yet and wacky 90's styles were on every website everywhere.

I feel like the crazy "the internet is a new a wonderful place" journey ended around 2005 and it just became a ubiquitous service in 2008-2010.

I remember my parents teaching me how to use the road map in the car. I also remember my dad printing out mapquest directions when they came out, it felt like sci-fi tech at the time.
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That's right! MapQuest was a real trailblazer in the online map world. Back before smartphones, it was a go-to resource for navigating unfamiliar places.
It seems like MapQuest might not be as popular these days, though. Smartphones and apps like Google Maps and Apple Maps offer a lot more convenience and features, like live traffic updates and even street view. Those features, along with being free and pre-installed on most phones, probably contributed to MapQuest's decline.
Hopefully it is burning in Hell where it belongs. It was only useful if you wanted to go somewhere other than where you were trying to get to!
Used mapquest once in 1999 to travel to Grapevine Texas. Since I was by myself, it was a pain either having to memorize a few locations, then pull over and memorize a few more.
Boy, traveling by car these days is so much easier.
I remember back in the 60's having that paper map in the car on traveling with my parents. One of the first things my dad would do when starting off would be to make sure the gas tank was full and the paper map was tucked in the glove box.
As far as I know, MapQuest is still the only service that offers OPTIMIZED multi-destination routing.

If you type multiple destinations for one trip into Google Maps, it will simply bounce you back and forth across town in the order you entered them. So much for Google's vaunted "technology."
That was a great write-up. One of the many early apps that blazed trails (pun intended), but were ultimately lost in the shuffle.