US to impose new tariffs on Chinese clean-energy imports including EVs


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The big picture: The Biden Administration is determined to safeguard the US' budding clean energy market, particularly its electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers, who may struggle to compete with more competitively priced products from overseas. China currently leads the US in research on numerous emerging technologies, notably electric batteries, where there's a significant risk of Chinese dominance. However, this objective clashes with another key goal of the administration – reducing emissions.

The Biden Administration is poised to announce an increase in tariffs on clean-energy goods from China, encompassing electric vehicles, batteries, and solar cells. According to sources familiar with the matter, the tariff on Chinese EV imports will rise from 25 percent to 100 percent, while an additional 2.5 percent duty will be imposed on all automobiles imported into the US.

Sources suggest that the administration will make the announcement on Tuesday, although officials have cautioned that the timing could change.

The move comes as China appears to be gearing up to saturate the US market with exports of clean-energy goods, as its domestic demand cannot absorb the surplus from its factories. US officials are keen to shield the fledgling clean-energy market, particularly domestic EV manufacturers, who struggle to compete with China's more affordable vehicles.

A report by an independent think tank last year found that China outpaced the US in research on 37 out of 44 emerging technologies, including electric batteries, posing a high risk of monopolization in these areas.

In the broader context, this increase in tariffs reflects growing US apprehension regarding China's trade policies.

Last month, President Biden proposed raising tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum. Additionally, the United States Trade Representative recently initiated an investigation into unfair practices within the Chinese shipbuilding industry, prompted by a petition from the United Steelworkers union. In February, Biden ordered an investigation into whether Chinese connected vehicles pose a national security risk.

The exact impact of these new tariffs on the US EV market remains uncertain. Chinese EV manufacturers have largely diverted their attention away from the US market due to existing tariff policies, instead focusing on emerging clean-car markets in countries such as Brazil, Israel, and Thailand. Notably, best-selling EVs in these nations are manufactured by BYD Co., the Chinese EV and plug-in hybrid maker.

To circumvent tariffs, China's solar companies predominantly export to the US via third countries. However, this trade strategy is increasingly under scrutiny by US firms. Solar manufacturers are urging the US government to impose duties on $12.5 billion worth of imported equipment from Southeast Asia.

Ironically, limiting the import of affordable EVs from China could impede another key goal of the Biden Administration: reducing carbon emissions.

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Funny that the same party that is trying to push us towards ”clean” energy is now making it more expensive to do so.

But… Trump tariffs bad. Okay.
But you see, Orange Man mad Mean Tweets! He was worse then Funny Mustache Man!

Please, ignore policy and remember to ReSiSt (while we do the same things, but worse).
Humanities' continued existence requires reducing carbon!!!

Unless it hurts corporate political donors, then it’s no big deal.
When people ask me "why dont you believe in the climate emergency?" I point them to articles like this. If the globe was really in such a state we wouldnt be banning EVs because they have moon runes in the instruction manual.
That is exactly how third world countries does it today - and it ensures they stay third world countries as their own industries can’t keep up with global development, and importation is too expensive.
Amateur move from the US
We're pros at this, we've kept only one part of the Chicken tax alive specifically to protect american truck makers.
That is exactly how third world countries does it today - and it ensures they stay third world countries as their own industries can’t keep up with global development, and importation is too expensive.
Amateur move from the US
Quick question, if the third world doesn't have any money then why would tariffs be the thing stopping them from importing goods?
Makes sense.
China is embarrassing the west on so many levels. They had a JV with AMD and now they have stronger chips.
They had a JV with GM, and they are now the dominate carmakers.

The US is a dairy farm only looking for milk.

Voters will never wake up and see how far behind they are. They'd rather complain about woke movies.....
Makes sense.
China is embarrassing the west on so many levels. They had a JV with AMD and now they have stronger chips.
They had a JV with GM, and they are now the dominate carmakers.

The US is a dairy farm only looking for milk.

Voters will never wake up and see how far behind they are. They'd rather complain about woke movies.....

What happened to the climate catastrophe? Surely getting electric vehicles into people's garages as cheaply as possible has to be an essential part of the plan to solve this. Thanks America, now we're all going to simultaneously burn alive in the deserts we're creating and drown in the sea that's risen due to the melting ice caps.

Surely, for the sake of the environment you could lose the tariffs and sell them cheaper. More people will buy them, which will get rid of the surplus AND be helping to slow climate change, which of course is the most important issue the world faces at the moment, right?

Or is protecting your position as leaders of the "free" world more important? If it is, well, we need to start asking just how much of an "emergency" all this is...
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You all forgeting few details: A. EV won't save the planet, It's a thing of fashion. Cars pollute cities but are down the list of CO2 producers B All Chinese manufactured green goods are made with an ungodly amount of low quality, therefore extremely dirty coal. C. The whole drama with tariffs last few years is bipartisan, because big Western companies lobby for It, as They cannot compete with heavily subsidiesed dumping-priced products.

Not that Western companies are without fault here. In search of profit They moved production of everything there, now when Chinese learnt to make It on their own, Western World is just crying wolf with crocodile tears, while treating western consumers like garbage.
When you can't compete with someone, you kill them! (Biden's new policy)

We can see how success in China and Russia has been unnerving the US, eager to spoil it at any cost.

Biden's approach to competitive business:
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Ok, you want the imported cheap made, probably not safe to operate Chinese EV's?
Fine, some poor slave in China will thank you. Also, the "worker's" family who probably
live nearby, also thanks you that with the increase in coal fired power plants, their health
will decrease due to the pollution. And to the other "workers" that have to dig hundreds
of feet into the ground to extract the rare earth materials to make the batteries, they thank
you too!
Ok, you want the imported cheap made, probably not safe to operate Chinese EV's?
Fine, some poor slave in China will thank you. Also, the "worker's" family who probably
live nearby, also thanks you that with the increase in coal fired power plants, their health
will decrease due to the pollution. And to the other "workers" that have to dig hundreds
of feet into the ground to extract the rare earth materials to make the batteries, they thank
you too!

It’s more than EVs, it’s also Solar cells and Batteries… which, as far as I know, nobody knows how to mine lithium cleanly yet. Quality-wise, Cars are one thing (except most EVs in America are pretty bad quality-wise too) but one would hope that even China couldn’t screw panels and batteries up…
Funny that the same party that is trying to push us towards ”clean” energy is now making it more expensive to do so.

But… Trump tariffs bad. Okay.

Not arguing about Tariffs, but the Chinese are subsidising their EV industry massively like they did with say solar panels and flooding the global market with the one intention of destroying competition. Then let's see how cheap they are when they have succeeded.

One thing for sure under Chump their will be no clean energy sector as he has already stated he will wind back all EPA regulations, climate initiatives, fuel economy standards, etc, allowing drilling in Arctic. Clean energy capital will flee USA like there's no tomorrow and China will be laughing even harder.
How ironic Biden is worried about Chinese EV flooding the market but the U.S. is so dependent on China for many other imported goods we use everyday. If tariffs can be raised on the EVs, how convenient it is to raise tariffs on other Chinese imported goods to cause another inflation.

Not arguing about Tariffs, but the Chinese are subsidising their EV industry massively like they did with say solar panels and flooding the global market with the one intention of destroying competition. Then let's see how cheap they are when they have succeeded.

One thing for sure under Chump their will be no clean energy sector as he has already stated he will wind back all EPA regulations, climate initiatives, fuel economy standards, etc, allowing drilling in Arctic. Clean energy capital will flee USA like there's no tomorrow and China will be laughing even harder.

The problem with that is, China would then have to KEEP prices artificially low in order to prevent competitors from entering the market. All the while, Chinese citizens would be subsidizing Westerners’ solar panels.

As for the EPA, I remember the same chicken-little argument being made for the FCC under Trump. I don’t remember the internet dying when Net Neutrality was repealed. And given how terrible EVs have performed in recent years and how nobody wants them right now, the LAST thing we should want is for the US to throw away all the wonderful work in hybrid vehicles, which, are far better for emissions than EVs. About 35 hybrids can be made with the same amount of battery that makes up 1 EV. Replacing 35/35 non hybrids with 35 hybrids is going to be far more beneficial to emissions than replacing 1/35 non hybrids with a single EV. Hybrids are also far more accessible to lower-incomes than EVs. So getting rid of them would be yet another irony of everybody’s favorite party.
Ok, you want the imported cheap made, probably not safe to operate Chinese EV's?
Fine, some poor slave in China will thank you. Also, the "worker's" family who probably
live nearby, also thanks you that with the increase in coal fired power plants, their health
will decrease due to the pollution. And to the other "workers" that have to dig hundreds
of feet into the ground to extract the rare earth materials to make the batteries, they thank
you too!
Anything unsafe in design wouldnt pass US saftey regs, so that's not an issue. For the rest, dude china is the world's factory. Those people will still have more work then they know what to do with, regardless of US interest.
The problem with that is, China would then have to KEEP prices artificially low in order to prevent competitors from entering the market. All the while, Chinese citizens would be subsidizing Westerners’ solar panels.

As for the EPA, I remember the same chicken-little argument being made for the FCC under Trump. I don’t remember the internet dying when Net Neutrality was repealed. And given how terrible EVs have performed in recent years and how nobody wants them right now, the LAST thing we should want is for the US to throw away all the wonderful work in hybrid vehicles, which, are far better for emissions than EVs. About 35 hybrids can be made with the same amount of battery that makes up 1 EV. Replacing 35/35 non hybrids with 35 hybrids is going to be far more beneficial to emissions than replacing 1/35 non hybrids with a single EV. Hybrids are also far more accessible to lower-incomes than EVs. So getting rid of them would be yet another irony of everybody’s favorite party.
Yeah....Green Energy would not just up and leave if Trump is reelected. At most he has 4 years. People building infrastructure look decades ahead, not months. Suspiciously, per the last green energy article we had here, solar and wind grew tremendously under the cheeto. People still believe he'll bring back coal? Sad!
Not arguing about Tariffs, but the Chinese are subsidising their EV industry massively like they did with say solar panels and flooding the global market with the one intention of destroying competition. Then let's see how cheap they are when they have succeeded.

One thing for sure under Chump their will be no clean energy sector as he has already stated he will wind back all EPA regulations, climate initiatives, fuel economy standards, etc, allowing drilling in Arctic. Clean energy capital will flee USA like there's no tomorrow and China will be laughing even harder.
Your TDS is showing. If "green" energy is so competitive and cheap, it wont leave under Trump, since it would still be.....competitive and cheap, you know? He's not Funny Mustache Man, and nobody is president forever. He wont fulfill your fantasies of forcing you to use that dirty, nasty coal.
Quick question, if the third world doesn't have any money then why would tariffs be the thing stopping them from importing goods?
All countries have money - it’s how they’re spent that is the key. Take Egypt as an example - it’s extremely hard to get an import permit for, well, anything. Which means that there’s almost no importers of goods like work laptops. Egypt doesn’t produce any laptops locally, so the few importers jack up their prices to close to 100% uplift compared to European retails prices. The end result is that local businesses are using 10 year+ old hardware and fall behind equivalent businesses in western countries + it breeds corruption by making it almost a given that you have to slip local customs some grease money if you want anything to pass through customs.
The government in Egypt doesn’t see the fact that they are ruining any chances of the economy growing, or if they do - they are paid off by the largest importers to keep the status quo.
A quick look at the Egyptian currency will tell you they’re almost at 100% inflation rate the last 2 years
Funny that the same party that is trying to push us towards ”clean” energy is now making it more expensive to do so.

But… Trump tariffs bad. Okay.
Wow Ok. Amazing why people say stuff.
They will do as they have before. Sell at a loss to gain a foothold in America.
Some call it fixing prices, though the accurate term is dumping.

But now, their price to do business and cheat their way into our lives will be way higher.
Sometimes a fair, free market requires measures to equal the playing field after someone else tried to cheat.
I actually supported Trump doing something similar on steel, and I support this.
Fire with fire and all that.
Time to wake up, America! Your green crusade only gets you poorer, while you empower China. You can either keep lying you care so much about the "environment" or get realistic policies, instead of simply imposing tariffs, that will only hurt your own citizens.
Electric vehicles aren’t a solution to the climate crisis anyhow… so it doesn’t really matter.

Bicycling and reducing footprints of cities, investment in public transport, cleaning up the construction sector… now that’s where CO2 reductions could be found